Prashant Pandey

Prashant Pandey

Assistant Professor

University of Utah


I am an Assistant Professor in the School of computing at the University of Utah. I co-direct UtahDB Lab. I am also an Affiliate Faculty in the Performance and Algorithms Research Group at Berkeley Lab.

My goal as a researcher is to build scalable data systems with strong theoretical guarantees and employ them to democratize next-generation data analyses. My work applies to high-performance computing, computational biology, stream processing, and storage.

Previously, I was a Research Scientist at VMware Research for a year. Prior to that, I did postdocs at UC Berkeley/LBL and Carnegie Mellon University. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at Stony Brook University in 2018.

I love outdoors and occasionally like to scribble my experience in a blog.

I’m looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students. Drop me a note if you want to do cool research, run/hike in the mountains, and enjoy the world famous ski in Salt Lake City.
Specifically, I am looking for students who want to work at the intersection of theory and systems. In your email, please include two papers that you liked the most and why from the publication list. Try and explain the main thesis of the paper in your own words.

  • Large-Scale Data Management
  • Graphs Processing
  • Computational Biology
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2018

    Stony Brook University

Recent & Upcoming Talks

All Publications

(2025). Adaptive Quotient Filters. SIGMOD 2025.

PDF Project

(2024). BYO: A Unified Framework for Benchmarking Large-Scale Graph Containers. VLDB 2024.

Code Project

(2024). Beyond Bloom: A Tutorial on Future Feature-Rich Filters. SIGMOD 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2024). IONIA: High-Performance Replication for Modern Disk-based KV Stores. FAST 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2024). Gallatin: A General-Purpose GPU Memory Manager. PPOPP 2024.

PDF Cite Code Project


  • Hunter McCoy PhD (Started Fall 2022)
  • Yuvraj Chesetti PhD (Started Fall 2023)
  • Aaditya Rangarajan PhD (Started Fall 2024)
