Prashant Pandey

Prashant Pandey

Assistant Professor

University of Utah


I am an Assistant Professor in the School of computing at the University of Utah. I co-direct UtahDB Lab. I am also an Affiliate Faculty in the Performance and Algorithms Research Group at Berkeley Lab.

My goal as a researcher is to build scalable data systems with strong theoretical guarantees and employ them to democratize next-generation data analyses. My work applies to high-performance computing, computational biology, stream processing, and storage.

Previously, I was a Research Scientist at VMware Research for a year. Prior to that, I did postdocs at UC Berkeley/LBL and Carnegie Mellon University. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at Stony Brook University in 2018.

I love outdoors and occasionally like to scribble my experience in a blog.

BIG NEWS! I’ll be moving to Khoury College Northeastern University, Boston in Spring 2025! I will be part of the Data Lab. I am recruiting Ph.D. students at Northeastern in Boston for Fall 2025.
Drop me a note if you are interested in theory and practice of scalable data systems.

  • Large-Scale Data Management
  • Graphs Processing
  • Computational Biology
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2018

    Stony Brook University

Recent & Upcoming Talks

All Publications

(2025). Adaptive Quotient Filters. SIGMOD 2025.

PDF Project

(2024). BYO: A Unified Framework for Benchmarking Large-Scale Graph Containers. VLDB 2024.

Code Project

(2024). Beyond Bloom: A Tutorial on Future Feature-Rich Filters. SIGMOD 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2024). IONIA: High-Performance Replication for Modern Disk-based KV Stores. FAST 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2024). Gallatin: A General-Purpose GPU Memory Manager. PPOPP 2024.

PDF Cite Code Project


  • Hunter McCoy PhD (Started Fall 2022)
  • Yuvraj Chesetti PhD (Started Fall 2023)
  • Aaditya Rangarajan PhD (Started Fall 2024)
