
(2025). Adaptive Quotient Filters. SIGMOD 2025.

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(2024). BYO: A Unified Framework for Benchmarking Large-Scale Graph Containers. VLDB 2024.

Code Project

(2024). Beyond Bloom: A Tutorial on Future Feature-Rich Filters. SIGMOD 2024.

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(2024). IONIA: High-Performance Replication for Modern Disk-based KV Stores. FAST 2024.

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(2024). Gallatin: A General-Purpose GPU Memory Manager. PPOPP 2024.

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(2023). BP-tree: Overcoming the Point-Range Operation Tradeoff for In-Memory B-trees. VLDB 2023.

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(2023). IcebergHT: High Performance Hash Tables Through Stability and Low Associativity. SIGMOD 2023.

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(2023). Singleton Sieving: Overcoming the Memory/Speed Trade-Off in Exascale k-mer Analysis. ACDA 23.

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(2023). High-Performance Filters for GPUs. PPOPP 2023.

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(2023). Communication Optimization for Distributed Execution of Graph Neural Networks. IPDPS 23.

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(2023). Distance and Time Sensitive Filters for Similarity Search in Trajectory Datasets. APOCS 23.

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(2022). Using Advanced Data Structures to Enable Responsive Security Monitoring. Cluster Computing 2022.

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(2022). An Incrementally Updatable and Scalable System for Large-Scale Sequence Search using the Bentley-Saxe Transformation. BIOINFORMATICS 2022.

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(2021). VariantStore: an index for large-scale genomic variant search. Genome Biology 2021.

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(2021). Terrace: A Hierarchical Graph Container for Skewed Dynamic Graphs. SIGMOD 2021.

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(2021). External-Memory Dictionaries in the Affine and PDAM Models. TOPC 2021.

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(2021). Vector Quotient Filters: Overcoming the Time/Space Trade-Off in Filter Design. SIGMOD 2021.

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(2021). Distributed-Memory k-mer Counting on GPUs. IPDPS 2021.

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(2020). Timely Reporting of Heavy Hitters Using External Memory. SIGMOD 2020, TODS 2021.

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(2019). Small Refinements to the DAM Can Have Big Consequences for Data-Structure Design. SPAA 2019.

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(2019). Locality Sensitive Hashing for the Edit Distance. ISMB 2019, BIOINFORMATICS 2019.

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(2019). The Online Event-Detection Problem. arXiv 2019.

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(2019). An Efficient, Scalable and Exact Representation of High-Dimensional Color Information Enabled via de Bruijn Graph Search Problem. RECOMB 2019, JCB 2020.

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(2018). Buffered Count-Min Sketch on SSD: Theory and Experiments. ESA 2018.

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(2018). Mantis: A Fast, Small, and Exact Large-Scale Sequence-Search Index. RECOMB 2018, Cell Systems 2018.

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(2018). Apparatus and Method For Implementing a Forked System Call in a System with a Protected Region.


(2017). Rainbowfish: A Succinct Colored de Bruijn Graph Representation. WABI 2017.

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(2017). deBGR: An Efficient and Near-Exact Representation of the Weighted de Bruijn Graph. ISMB 2017, BIOINFORMATICS 2017.

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(2017). Squeakr: An Exact and Approximate K-Mer Counting System. BIOINFORMATICS 2017.

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(2017). A General-Purpose Counting Filter: Making Every Bit Count. SIGMOD 2017.

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(2017). A Fast X86 Implementation of Select. arXiv 2017.

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(2016). Writes Wrought Right, and Other Adventures in File System Optimization. TOS 2016.

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(2016). Optimizing Every Operation in a Write-Optimized File System. FAST 2016.

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(2015). BetrFS: Write-Optimization in a Kernel File System. TOS 2015.

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(2015). BetrFS: A Right-Optimized Write-Optimized File System. FAST 2015.

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